Single Bottle Pick Service Update


LDB Wholesale Operations will be expanding bottle pick service to offer a wide selection of 250 products reflecting top selling and premium price point SKUs.

The complete list of all single bottle pick products is posted on the LDB Wholesale Operations website here. 10% bottle pick rule – as applicable to specific customer types, and outlined in the WCC Order Handbook – will continue to apply.  

Bottle pick service was suspended at the onset of the global pandemic to ensure proper physical distancing for employees in the warehouse and to mitigate risk to the supply chain. Since then, LDB Wholesale Operations reinstated limited service.  

Please note that expanding the single bottle pick service selection to a maximum of 250 products will balance efficient distribution centre operations with customer demand and will ensure all wholesale customer orders are picked, assembled and shipped on time during the busy holiday season.  

Our partnerships are very important to us, and we are committed to working with all our customers to support their operations. We thank you for your continued cooperation as we work to deliver the services and products our mutual customers rely on.