Changes to Container Recycling Fees for ceramic containers effective September 1, 2024

Please be advised that Encorp Pacific has notified the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) of changes to container recycling fee (CRF) rates for ceramic containers effective Period 6 – September 1, 2024.

Container Recycling Fee changes are as follows:

Container Type

Current CRF

CRF Effective September 1, 2024

Ceramic  (Beer)     <= 1L



Ceramic  (Wine & Spirit)  < = 1 L



Ceramic  (Wine & Spirit)  > 1L



All other rates remain the same.

Encorp is increasing the CRF for ceramic containers to offset costs associated with establishing and maintaining separate collection and management of these containers to limit any comingling or contamination of the glass containers that are recycled and made into new glass bottles.

Wholesale prices will be automatically adjusted on September 1, 2024 to reflect the new rates.

LDB is reaching out to vendors with liquor products in ceramic containers to allow them to make any supplier cost updates in consideration of the new CRF rates.

Registrations for new ceramic products have been on hold since October, 2023. Based on direction the LDB has received from the BC Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Strategy, the LDB is no longer accepting new registrations for ceramics. Registrations that were on hold will be cancelled, and the manufacturers will be invited to re-register if they have alternative packaging options for their new products.

If you are a supplier of any ceramic products and have not heard from us, please contact Vendor Relations at to confirm the container types on your registered SKUs.